How far has
come in terms of achieving international SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?
The SDG portal provides data for all Italian cities (provincial capitals). Find out here how your city has made progress in a given timeframe and in comparison to others.
Change of indicators from the second last to the last value
- Improvement
- No changes
- Deterioration
No Poverty
Indicator | Last value |
Population in economic suffering (%) | 23.07 |
Work intensity (%) | 4.35 |
Good Health and Well-Being
Indicator | Last value |
Life expectancy at birth (Years) | 82.336 |
Life expectancy at 65 years (Years) | 20.2 |
Deaths and injuries in road accidents (Number) | 5.9 |
Deaths for suicide and intentional self-harm (Number) | 25 |
Infant mortality rate (Number) | 2.76 |
Quality Education
Indicator | Last value |
Under 3 year olds in early childhood education and care services (%) | 38.95 |
Literacy skill of students (Score) | 200.76 |
Numerical skill of students (Score) | 201.57 |
Lower secondary completion rate (%) | 70.83 |
Early childhood educational facilities (%) | 84.73 |
Schools provided of ramps (%) | 50.30 |
Gender Equality
Indicator | Last value |
Gender employment gap (%) | 20.18 |
Educational level of women (%) | 36.77 |
Women enrolled in the university (%) | 55.15 |
Clean Water and Sanitation
Indicator | Last value |
Water loss (%) | 16.00 |
Urban waste-water treatment (%) | 99.00 |
Urban waste-water sewerage (%) | 98.99 |
Affordable and Clean Energy
Indicator | Last value |
Solar thermal and photovoltaic per 1000 inhabitants (kW) | 0.87 |
Photovoltaic solar panels per km2 (installed power in kW) (kW) | 147.31 |
Photovoltaic solar panels per inhabitant (installed power in kW) (kW) | 0.19 |
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Indicator | Last value |
Taxable income (€) | 23,493.04 |
Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) (%) | 17,9 |
Early school leavers from the educational and training system (%) | 16.60 |
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Indicator | Last value |
Mobility provided by public transportation (Km) | 27 |
Reduced Inequalities
Indicator | Last value |
GINI Coefficient (Value) | 0.28 |
Digital divide (%) | 0 |
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Indicator | Last value |
Cycle paths (m) | 28.46 |
PM2,5 levels (µg/m3) | 20.00 |
Housing quality (Number) | 40.8 |
PM10 levels (µg/m3) | 30,3 |
Noise pollution (Number) | 6.1 |
Nitrogen dioxide (µg/m3) | 24,0 |
Road surface for pedestrians (m2) | 0.272 |
Deaths and missings caused by disasters (Number) | 0 |
Flood risk (%) | 13.8 |
Responsible Production and Consumption
Indicator | Last value |
Separate waste collection (%) | 85.7 |
Urban waste production (Kg) | 514.89 |
Residential waste collection (%) | 100 |
Ecological areas / Recycling points (m2) | 51.16 |
ECOLABEL licences (%) | 31.00 |
Climate Protection Measures
Indicator | Last value |
CO2 emissions (Tonnes) | 7.43 |
Flood risk (%) | 13.8 |
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Indicator | Last value |
Voter turnout (%) | 72.57 |
Efficiency of the courts (Days) | 547 |
Partnerships for the Goals
Indicator | Last value |
Internet access (%) | 90.54 |
Social cooperatives (Number) | 6.22 |