The Agenda 2030

The Agenda 2030 contains goals for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Sustainable Development is understood as a comprehensive development in economic, ecological and social terms.

The Agenda 2030 was adopted in September 2015 by the member states of the United Nations. It is valid for all states of this world – irrespective of whether they are developing, emerging or industrial countries.

Primarily, the Agenda 2030 refers to the level of nation states. However, it is also relevant to the regional and local level, without which government goals usually cannot be accomplished.

At the heart of the Agenda 2030 are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 sub goals. These goals relate to topics as diverse as poverty, health, education, energy, work and international partnership.

For the implementation of the Agenda 2030 in the communities, an indicator-based monitoring is envisaged. This means that indicators or key figures need to be defined, with which the achievement of sustainability goals can be displayed and reviewed.