For an impact-oriented sustainability management you need suitable goals, indicators and data, by which goal attainment can be measured and controlled. In order to support a data-oriented control of sustainable development in communities, the SDG Portal is available.

The objective of the SDG Portal is to give communities a quick and intuitive first impression of the current status on the way to sustainable development. The focus is on a description and evaluation of current tendencies regarding selected indicators for the relevant international sustainability goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The short-term time comparisons can be complemented individually by long-term time comparisons and separate inter-city comparisons.

The SDG Portal contains data or information about Italian municipalities-capitals of provinces.

The SDG Portal is designed to support communities in identifying needs for action on the way to sustainable development, which is oriented towards the sustainability goals of the United Nations. In doing so, there is a focus on those sustainability goals, which can in general be classified as relevant (regarding problem and task) to Italian communities. These goals are displayed by means of indicators, which can be provided extensively, that are at city levels, as well as for several years. For the time being, the SDG indicators merely serve as a recommendation for communities in Italy. Each municipality can, should and must – considering the respective framework, prioritization and data availability – decide on its own, which indicators are best suited to portray their individual sustainable development.

Needs for action on the way to sustainable development on site can be determined on the basis of different factors or information. What is possible: e.g. time comparisons (short, medium and long-term), inter-cities comparisons (by means of individual or average values of other communities), and target comparisons or comparisons of planned/actual data (with regard to final or interim targets; if necessary, in consideration of legal standards and limits). The basis for the identification of needs for action can also be provided by the respective framework conditions (e.g. economic, ecological or social structural conditions), as well as strategical prioritization (e.g. overall or specific strategies) of the respective city. In this context, it is also important to consider the tasks or activities of other relevant players at community level (citizens, civil society and economy) or at superordinate levels (Italian Regions, Italian Government, European Union and United Nations).

By means of the SDG Portal users should be able to obtain a quick and intuitive first impression of the current status of Italian cities on their way to meeting the sustainability goals of the United Nations.